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About Me

Laura Munoz- Salvatierra


You Can Feel Better. I’m Here to Help.

My approach to therapy is collaborative, compassionate, and evidence-based. I draw on a range of therapeutic modalities, including cognitive behaviour techniques, hypnosis and mindfulness to tailor my interventions to your unique needs and goals. Whether you are struggling with anxiety, work challenges, relationship issues, or other challenges, I am here to support you on your journey to healing and growth.

I understand that seeking therapy can be a courageous and vulnerable step, and I am committed to creating a safe and non-judgmental space where you can explore your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. 

My hope is that through our work together, you can develop greater self-awareness, resilience, and self-compassion, and move towards a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

My Background

My journey as a therapist began with a Master’s degree in Psychology, followed by four years of experience as a mental health practitioner and deputy manager for a third sector organisation in London. During this time, I learned that building a strong rapport with my clients is essential for creating a safe and supportive therapeutic environment. However, I understand that establishing trust and connection can be challenging for many people, especially when seeking therapy for the first time. That’s why I place a strong emphasis on building a genuine and trusting relationship with my clients from the very start.

From a young age, I have been passionate about understanding the psychological needs of others and helping them navigate life’s challenges. This drive led me to pursue a career in education, where I spent seven years as a teacher. During this time, I realised the importance of equipping children with a basic understanding of their own minds and emotions, so they can better cope with the inevitable ups and downs of life. However, I came to the realisation that teaching alone was not enough to address the underlying psychological needs of my students. It was this realisation that motivated me to become a certified therapist, allowing me to provide a more holistic and personalised approach to helping individuals overcome their challenges and live fulfilling lives.

Over the past five years, I have been dedicated to helping individuals overcome their challenges and develop emotional intelligence. With each person I work with, I strive to create a safe and supportive environment where they can explore their thoughts and feelings without judgement. My approach is rooted in the belief that everyone has the capacity to grow and thrive, regardless of their current circumstances. It brings me immense joy to see my clients gain a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them, and to know that I have played a role in their personal growth. As I look towards the future, my goal remains the same: to continue making a positive impact in the lives of others and help them live their best possible life.

My journey in hypnotherapy and cognitive behavioural therapy has given me a deep appreciation for the power of our thoughts, emotions, and behaviours in shaping our lives. Through my training and practice, I have gained the tools to help my clients become more self-aware and in control of their thoughts and behaviours. By understanding the underlying patterns that drive their actions, my clients have been able to create positive changes in their lives, leading to increased fulfilment and happiness. My approach is centred around providing practical tools and techniques that are tailored to each client’s unique needs, empowering them to take an active role in their own healing and growth.

My Own Journey

As a therapist, I understand how difficult it can be to navigate through anxiety and the impact it can have on your life. However, I want to reassure you that you are not alone, and there is hope for finding relief and managing your symptoms. As a former teacher and deputy manager, I have personally experienced the challenges of anxiety in the workplace. I understand the pressure to perform well, meet deadlines, and balance competing demands while dealing with anxiety. My own experiences have given me insights into the unique challenges that professionals face in managing anxiety in their careers. I draw from this experience to help my clients understand and manage their symptoms, providing them with the tools and support they need to achieve their goals and improve their overall quality of life.

In my personal journey with anxiety, I have found that relaxation and joy have been instrumental in my healing and management of symptoms. I have discovered the power of mindfulness practices such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, and yoga, which have helped me to slow down, be present in the moment, and reduce feelings of overwhelm and stress. Additionally, I have found that engaging in activities that bring me joy, such as spending time in nature and listening to music, have helped me to shift my focus away from anxiety and into the present moment. These practices have allowed me to cultivate a sense of inner calm and emotional resilience, which I am now able to share with my clients. I believe that by incorporating relaxation and joy into therapy, we can help our clients to find relief from anxiety and develop a greater sense of balance and wellbeing in their lives.

More ABout me

My home is home to three sweet feline companions who love to snuggle up with me at night. We often cosy up on the couch to watch documentaries and movies, taking in the beauty and wonders of the world around us.

One of my latest hobbies is learning about indoor plants and how to care for them. I find it incredibly rewarding to watch these little green beings grow and thrive under my care.

Travel is another passion of mine, and I enjoy exploring new places and cultures whenever possible. Whether it’s a short trip in a campervan or a longer flight to a distant land, I love the sense of adventure and discovery that comes with travel.

Finally, I’m a big fan of warm weather and sunshine. Summer and spring are my favourite seasons, as the longer days and warmer temperatures allow me to get outside and enjoy nature. Ultimately, my dream is to move to a sunny country with plenty of natural beauty to explore and enjoy.

Get In Touch


+44 (7) 510998158



Mon – Fri: 10am – 9pm
Weekends: 10am – 3m